Project to build evaporated salt production of 80,000 tons per year
Implementation period
Russian private company with revenue over $500 million per year
Preparatory stage
Development of the project implementation strategy
  • Formation of a business idea
  • Assessment of cost effectiveness
Chemical Leaders specialists analyzed the salt market and identified promising areas for the use of salt, taking into account the introduction of innovative technologies in water treatment, utilities, and the food industry. They identified the basic requirements for the quality indicators of the product and selected the process equipment to meet these requirements. A strategy was developed for a phased entry into the salt market and a target sales plan was formed. The team conducted a feasibility study for the project, developed a business plan, and finalized the performance metrics.
From 2015 to 2016
the Chemical Leaders team began to develop a project to create a highly refined salt production facility, which is a universal product in various industries. The product is used in water treatment, housing and communal services, the energy sector, and the food industry. The start of development was facilitated by an active change in the market situation on the domestic salt market in Russia
In 2015
Active phase of the project. Implementation
  • Development of initial permit documentation and preparation for construction
  • Construction and preparation for launch
work began on the construction of an industrial complex and preparation for production and sale:
  • Delivery and acceptance of the primary and auxiliary process equipment was completed.
  • The full range of construction and installation work was completed.
  • The equipment was tested in various modes.
  • In preparation for implementation, about 150 tons of test samples were shipped to consumers for approval based on quality parameters and formation of supply contracts.
Starting in 2018
Chemical Leaders specialists began the active stage of the project implementation. The following work was completed in 2016−2018:
  • The design documentation and cost estimates were developed; Glavgosexpertiza state expert evaluation of the project was conducted with a favorable opinion issued.
  • A building permit was obtained and working documentation was developed.
  • A favorable opinion was obtained from FBU "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology" and FBU "Rostest-Moscow" on a voluntary basis.
  • Equipment suppliers were identified, main contractors were selected, and contracts were entered into for the supply of equipment as well as construction and installation work.
  • The main business plan parameters were reviewed and adjusted.
In 2016
1. Author's supervision and successful start-up of production
Consultations during the development of technological regulations
  • Development of initial permit documentation and preparation for construction.
  • Construction and preparation for launch.
  • Prompt changes to the project documentation at the initiative of the Customer in order to optimize and make quick decisions for the stable operation of the technological installation.